Photo Credit: Aviv Hertz / TPS
Bus Stop on Mordechai Alkelai street in the Armon HaNetziv neighborhood of Jerusalem. Jan. 9, 2019

MDA medical services report that at 6:55 AM, they responded to a call about a teenage girl who was stabbed, in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Armon Hanatziv on Mordechai Elkahai street.

The 14-year-old girl was stabbed in the neck and arm, while walking on the street near her home, in what appears to have been a terror attack.


The girl managed to get back home and told her mother she had been stabbed by an Arab man she did not recognize, according to Hatzalah without Borders.

The girl has been transported to Sharei Tzedek Medical Center, is conscious, stable and is currently listed as lightly wounded, according to the hospital’s spokesperson.

Security forces are searching for her attacker, while police investigators talk to the girl in the hospital to determine if it was a terror attack, TPS reported.

The Armon Hanatziv neighborhood is in east Talpiot, adjacent to several Arab neighborhoods, and has been the site of a number of terror attacks, some of them lethal.

Most recently, four policemen were wounded in October after an Arab terrorist infiltrated a police station at Armon Hanatziv and attacked them. The knife-wielding terrorist scaled the fence and attacked the officers inside the station. He was shot dead.

One of the most severe and deadly attacks in the area occurred in October 2016 when two Arab terrorists boarded a bus and shot and stabbed passengers, murdering Alon Govberg, Haim Haviv and Richard Lakin, the latter of whom was also an American citizen, before being shot dead by security forces. Another 17 Israelis were wounded in the attack.

Content from TPS was used in this report.

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